20+ ECommerce Business Tools for Startups

Yen Pedrajas
10 min readJan 13, 2022


ECommerce Business Tools for Startups

Many eCommerce business starters often get the idea that handling an eCommerce shop is very simple–you put your product listings, adjust your prices, and just wait for the money to pour in.

But it really doesn’t work that way.

In reality, managing an eCommerce business is tough and would require most of your time, effort, and attention. Therefore, you need eCommerce tools to help you get things done.

Read: How to Start A Successful Online Shoe Retail Store (Complete Guide In 2022)

Categories of ECommerce Tools

Using eCommerce business tools will greatly impact an eCommerce shop’s overall workflow and result and they are categorized based on the solutions that they offer for your business:

1. ECommerce Project Management Tools.

Project management tools will assist you in managing and even automating routine chores to increase your productivity. Without the appropriate project management tools, completing and managing day-to-day tasks and your eCommerce assets such as files, images, and documents will be very tough.

2. ECommerce Website Platforms

ECommerce website platforms such as Shopify and WooCommerce were developed specifically to address the need of e-commerce businesses. These platforms have pre-installed tools and services to assist you in building your own eCommerce store and running your business freely.

3. ECommerce Research and Market Tools

Any business, big as well as little, must conduct market research in order to succeed. Market research and analysis are essential before releasing new products or conducting marketing campaigns in order to make well-informed decisions rather than relying on guesswork.

4. ECommerce Marketing Tools

ECommerce marketing solutions assist you in growing your business by streamlining processes and improving revenue. These tools will assist you in regaining control of your marketing strategy without requiring you to manually monitor each component of your campaign. You may utilize the data gathered from eCommerce tools to create campaigns that are tailored to the desires and needs of your target audience.

Marketing also entails customer relationship management. Thus, live chat outsourcing and various CRM tools become the most in-demand services acquired by eCommerce business managers and owners.

5. ECommerce Analytics Tools

Once your eCommerce site is up and running, it must be monitored and evaluated for any pertinent sales data. Automated customer engagement enables you to have a deeper understanding of your clients’ purchasing behavior. With these tools, you can test critical data points on your storefront to determine which changes to make to maximize efficiency, regardless of whether your aim is to increase sales or enhance your website’s performance.

20+ ECommerce Tools for Startup Businesses

1. Project Management Tools

  • Dropbox: Easily store and share files

Dropbox is an excellent alternative for sharing and storing data, with both desktop and mobile programs available! Utilize it to establish user lists and permissions for certain folders. Control sharing rights, and if an employee’s device with Dropbox access is lost, you may quickly unlink it from the employee’s account and disable Dropbox syncing. Additionally, you may add additional levels of security as required. Additionally, they provide a free trial.

Dropbox starting price: $9.99/month

  • Trello: Online kanban method of managing your tasks

Trello is a straightforward project management application that, to their credit, has remained steadfastly true to its original concept for the platform (external pressure and acquisitions be damned). Trello ranks well on our list because of its ease of use and versatility. Additionally, Trello provides enough opportunity for growth and is simple to discard or repurpose when you’re ready for a more complete project management solution.

Trello starting price: $5.00/user/month

  • Slack: Connect and keep your team organized

Slack is a commercial communication application that enables workers to interact securely. Additionally, it connects effectively with other applications, such as Google Docs. Slack offers both video and phone calls, as well as screen sharing. It is one of the most often utilized communication platforms for eCommerce company owners since it helps teams stay organized and focused on their goals.

Slack starting price: $8.00/user/month

  • Asana: Easily assign tasks to your team

Asana is a tool that allows you to create different tasks for each team member, create plans, mark projects and tasks as completed, and assign specific employees for specific tasks and other possibilities. It is very useful when you have deadlines to create a schedule of tasks. Asana greatly improves productivity when you know what you need to do in a day, week, or month.

Asana starting price: $0.00

  • 3DSellers: easily manage and grow your eBay business

If you have an eBay business, then 3DSellers is your go-to business tool. 3DSellers is an all-in-one selling management software that can help grow your eBay business. It has a lot of functional, automation tools that can help optimize and manage your eBay business workflow.

Managing an eCommerce shop could be exhausting. But with 3DSellers, you can save your time in dealing with repetitive tasks from managing your eBay product listings to tracking your shipments.

3DSellers starting price: $16.00/month

ECommerce Website Platforms

  • Shopify: User-friendly platform to build your website

Over two million shops have been built on the Shopify platform over the past 15 years, and there is no better choice for the majority of small businesses looking to quickly get their online store up and running.

Sign up for a free 14-day trial and in just a few minutes, you’ll have a functional prototype of your company. With the onboarding wizard’s assistance, you can add your products, customize the look and feel of your shop, connect your own domain, and begin collecting payments.

Shopify starting price: $29/month

If you’re using WordPress, WooCommerce is the finest option. Rather than beginning from scratch on a new platform, this WordPress plugin simply interacts with your existing WordPress site to enable simple selling.

Installing WooCommerce on your website is absurdly simple. Register on the WooCommerce website. Then, at the onboarding process’s conclusion, pick Auto-install WooCommerce on an existing WordPress site. You’ll be requested to log in before proceeding to configure the plugin. If you’re already using WordPress, this could not be more convenient.

WooCommerce starting price: $6.95/month

BigCommerce is an industrial eCommerce solution that, as the name implies, is utilized by global corporations such as Ben & Jerry’s. This is a comparable platform for small companies wishing to sell online, but at a substantially lower pricing point.

Having said that, BigCommerce Essentials remains geared at companies that generate a significant amount of revenue, either in units of money. This implies that, unlike the majority of other alternatives, you will be required throughout the onboarding process to establish sales taxes plus automatic shipping.

BigCommerce starting price: $29.95/month

Research Tools

  • Ahrefs: Check your SEO status and your competitors

The service comes with a variety of features. In a nutshell, it enables you to explore a website’s links and most popular pages. This SEO analysis tool identifies referent domains and examines a website’s anchoring structure. Apart from monitoring network connecting, this tool is useful for analyzing rivals and developing a link-building process. Ahrefs is also useful for selecting the most relevant and tough keywords.

Ahrefs starting price: $99/month

  • SEMRush: Monitor your website SEO in one place

An all-in-one solution may be utilized for both organic and paid search engine optimization. There are hundreds of elements that are beneficial for e-growth. This tool identifies the keywords for which your rivals have already established a presence. These are often more “creative” terms that would be unfindable without this program. Its ranking is determined by the amount of organic traffic and the value of that traffic.

SEMRush starting price: $199.95/month

Every company must adapt to changing times. You must decide on the marketing language and descriptive vocabulary to utilize in your sales brochures, website text, and SEO.

Google Trends is one of the eCommerce business tools that provide insights regarding the popularity of certain keywords at a given time or season. You can compare multiple keywords at a time and assess their popularity across regions/languages. It also displays similar keywords, which may be beneficial for generating fresh keyword recommendations.

Google Trends starting price: FREE

  • ERank: Product and Keyword Research Tool for Etsy

Etsy is one of the most famous marketplaces there is after Amazon and eBay. With over 4Million active sellers, you’ll know that it’ll a tough competition once you try to venture into any type of business with this marketplace.

ERank is the go-to tool if you want to join in selling with Etsy. It has a keyword tool that allows you to find popular terms to use for your product listings and even gives you an idea of which types of products are sought by many customers.

ERank starting price: $0.00

Marketing Tools

  • Removal.AI: Remove background from your product images

Removal.AI is a popular background remover among many marketers for creating background-free photographs. It makes use of artificial intelligence technologies to accurately distinguish the main subject from its background and remove it as efficiently as possible. Designed to make the life of a picture editor simpler by reducing the pain of tediously working on erasing the background of every photograph, this application was developed by designers.

Removal.AI starting price: $0.00

Read: Top 10 Tools to Remove Background from Image for FREE

  • Pixelied: Create awesome graphic designs for your campaigns

If you are in the market for an excellent graphic editor, then consider your search. Pixelied is an all-in-one online photo editor known for its lag-free interface. It is easy, ensures stunning results, and is free. Plus, its one-time lifetime use subscription plan at $97 is a real steal. With thousands of templates and stock photos to use, as well as tools such as background remover and collaborative workspaces, Pixelied is not only a perfect fit but also a no-brainer if you expect productivity and quality.

Pixelied starting price: $9.95/month

If you’re looking for illustrations for your website and marketing campaigns, DesignStripe is for you. Designstripe has a huge collection of hand-drawn illustrations which can help companies in creating awesome brand stories and improving their online identity.

DesignStripe starting price: $20 for unlimited access

Email marketing, digital marketing automation, and small company CRM are all included in ActiveCampaign. There is more than 600+ pre-built automation available for strong segmentation and personalization across social media and electronic communications. Using capabilities like site monitoring, custom forms, and effective email marketing, ActiveCampaign helps you develop your eCommerce company.

ActiveCampaign starting price: $15/month

  • Buffer: Schedule your social media posts

Buffer’s product suite includes tools for publishing, interaction, analytics, and collaboration. It offers an intuitive content planning procedure, which is the tool’s primary feature. You can schedule a new post on the move since it includes not only a web version, but also browser extensions for Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and Opera, as well as iOS and Android mobile applications. Additionally, you’ll get a dedicated inbox for communications that demand your response.

Buffer starting price: $0.00

ECommerce Analytics Tools

Google Analytics should be installed by default on every eCommerce business owner’s computer. Since its inception in 2005, the tool has provided error-free data to a wide variety of companies that operate online shops or websites, ranging from business to manufacturing, travel, and more. When utilized properly, Google Analytics may help you examine your store’s performance and build new tactics for further revenue growth.

Google Analytics starting price: FREE

Google search console is a must-have tool for every E-Commerce company since it is critical for improving search engine rankings. You may use it to crawl and index your web pages, as well as monitor their position, impressions, and click-through rate (CTR). When you use the search console, you may get a list of the terms for which your site is ranking in the search results.

Google Search Console starting price: FREE

  • Optimizely: Optimize and continuously improve your customer experience

You may start with the eCommerce-specific capabilities of Optimizely if you’re wanting to provide your customers with a more tailored and genuine shopping experience. The platform is centered on the use of A/B testing and experimentation to develop more realistic experiences and, as a result, increase the likelihood of converting visitors.

Optimizely starting price: FREE

Use Tools for Your ECommerce Business Startup

When it comes to running your own eCommerce business, it’s possible that you’ve already faced some of these difficulties, while others may be just around the corner. However, as we’ve shown with some fantastic eCommerce tools, there are long-term answers for each of these problems.

As briefly stated, eCommerce business websites need a far larger amount of effort to account for both the technical aspects of the site as well as improvements in marketing, content and, most importantly, aesthetics. To build a flourishing and long-lasting eCommerce company, you must first remove all of the obstacles in your path.

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Illustrations: @deemakdaksina

Originally published at https://removal.ai on January 13, 2022.



Yen Pedrajas

Technology enthusiast. Loves to write informative content about the latest tech, digital trends, SEO, and startup business actionable tips